Zephyr's Blog

Off The Beaten Path with Dr. Poorna Menon, ND

Who Is Dr. Poorna Menon, ND?

Dr. Menon is a Naturopathic Physician & Health Consultant, with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She specialises in complex, chronic health conditions, including mental health, and extensively uses Naturopathic modalities such as...

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Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

Sleep Tip 1 - Put Your Phone Away One Hour Before Bed

To get a good night's sleep, I highly recommend at least an hour of device-free time before you reach your bed. I've been experimenting with this in various ways for over a year now, and the verdict, at least from me (and for me) and ALL...

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What Is Friendship?

What I Was Taught About Friendship

When I was young, and to be honest our entire lives, my parents have led by example and shown us how to maintain amazing relationships. "Be a good human being", "it is better to be kind than to be right" and "be nice to him/her/them" were regular phrases I heard...

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift you can give yourself, is the ability, choice, capability, permission, confidence, love and safety, to be yourself.

Whether this means you like to go to Africa, get on to the grass and roar like a Lion if you think you're one or whether you like to secretly...

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Why I Created The 21-Day Sleep Early Challenge


Summary - This is why I created the 21-Day Sleep Early Challenge


1. I used to be 1st for 3 years straight in primary school out of 120 students, and I used to sleep very early.

2. This trend continued and I realise upon looking back that each time I was achieving...

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Is The Dark Evil? Or Is It Simply Existence?

This article is going to be extremely short. It is normal for those who are just starting to spiritually awaken to think that the "Dark" is "Evil". I understand your concern but this is a fallacy.


Is The Dark Evil?

Without our Sun, all you would know (largely other than when stars...

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🤕 Small YOUTUBERS, REST to ensure Longevity. ❤️

Small YouTubers, where are you in your journey?

Are you a new or small YouTuber? Where are you in your journey? Just beginning? Maybe only 330 or so subscribers like me? Maybe an email list of say 100 people? No email list? Wowee. You're brand new. 

Look, I've been in several "long game"...

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3 Benefits Of Spending Time In Nature


These days, there are a lot of people "going green", spending time in nature, walking barefoot, being vegan, and so on. As for me, I dislike and do not resonate with comparisons and competition in the field of personal development as the spiritual journey, is a personal one. So let's look...

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Make Great Choices.

What happens in the future? Well, that primarily depends on one thing, whichever way we slice this equation. 

Also, it is one of the things all humans are interested in finding out. We cannot seem to sit still and enjoy the present. *chuckles*

Your choices determine your future. You are a...

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Why you feel lonely.

People often ask:
What is the main cause of loneliness?
What does it mean when you feel so alone?
How can I stop feeling lonely?
What do I do when I feel so lonely?
How come I have no friends?
Is loneliness a mental health problem? 

I have often pondered on this during my healing journey...

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"If It Was So Easy, Everyone Would Do It."

Busting One Of The Most Common Excuses For Chickening Out.

Whenever people try to pursue a new goal, dream, vocation, direction or vision, which is particularly non-conventional or not what we regard as "safe", there are often two statements that come up.


1. "If it was so easy,...

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